Island entfernt u.a. BDSM aus der Liste der Krankheiten
Wie am 12. Dezember 2015 auf der Website „The Fondation“
berichtet wird, hat die isländische Direktion für Gesundheit die
offizielle Empfehlung abgegeben Sadomasochismus,Fetischismus,
Transvestismus und fetischer Transvetismus aus der offiziellen Liste der
Krankheiten zu entfernen.
Island folgt nun als 5. Staat mit diesem Schritt zur Entfernung von BDSM
als Krankheit aus den jeweiligen nationalen ICD-Schlüsseln den
skandinavischen Staaten Dänemark (1994/95), Schweden (2009), Norwegen
(2010) und Finnland (2012).
Da BDSM im Laufe der Zeit immer stärker in der Popkultur akzeptiert
wird, findet Island es als unangemessen, BDSM weiterhin als Krankheit zu
Im DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) ist
BDSM als eine psychische Krankheit nicht mehr enthalten.
„The Icelandic Directorate of Health has issued an official
recommendation for BDSM to be declassified as a disease. Iceland is the
fifth country in the world to remove BDSM from the offical list of diseases.
BDSM ? short for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission/sadism
and masochism ? will no longer be seen as a disease following an
official recommendation by the Icelandic Directorate of Health. Iceland
follows the lead of its Nordic neighbours Denmark (which declassified
BDSM as a disease in 1994/5) and Sweden (2009), Norway (2010) and
Finland (2012).
The change in policy comes after a request from the Icelandic BDSM
Association which asked for BDSM to be removed from the official list of
diseases earlier this year. In September the Icelandic Directorate of
Health announced it would be willing to do so. Following the
recommendation, dual-role transvestism, fetishism, fetishistic
transvestism and sadomasochism will now all be removed from the
Icelandic register of diseases,
BDSM in Europe
While Iceland now deems classifying BDSM as a disease to be
?inappropriate? and BDSM has become more accepted in general pop
culture over the years, many countries still officially list BDSM as an
illness or an act of violence punishable by law. For example, in 2015
The Netherlands? Ministry of Justice requested an official research
report on BDSM in Holland to determine whether legal action should be
taken against BDSM and those who practice it. The report was published
in 2015 and stated there was no reason to take legal actions against
those engaging in BDSM. Nevertheless, BDSM is still officially
considered as a mental illness in The Netherlands, as well as many other
countries in Europe and the world.
Update: 13-12-2015
As our visitors point out: BDSM was removed as a mental illness from the
DSM-V. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
is the leading guideline in many countries, including The Netherlands.
They removed the name BDSM from it entirely in DSM 4 (1994) and put it
back in in version 5 (2013) to be able to name the difference between
normal BDSM behavior and BDSM-related behavior that is not healthy. More
here. That said, BDSM is still seen as a mental illness or an act of
violence by general society and the law in most countries.“
für weitere Infos:
– Finnland entfernt fünf Sexual-Diagnosen aus seiner ICD-Version
– Schweden streicht sieben „sexuelle Verhaltensweisen“ von der Liste der
– Projekt „revise f65“
– Wikipedia-Eintrag zu DSM-5
Quelle: SWL